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Use Tax Information
If you are planning to obtain a residential permit for a project address located within the town limits of Monument, Manitou Springs or Palmer Lake, you will need to visit with their Planning Department PRIOR to obtaining your permit with Regional Building Department regarding Use Tax for their jurisdiction.
In El Paso County, Use Tax option needs to be selected for all permits issued within the county.
There are two main options, which are explained in more detail by following this link: EPC Sales & Use Tax
If you pay Use Tax at the time of permitting (using either Valuation method below), you will be able to print out a Use Tax Receipt which shall serve as the Exemption Certificate for use when purchasing building and construction materials.
- Affidavit – Permit applicant signs affidavit that all Use Taxes will be paid in the form of sales tax at time of purchasing the material from suppliers/retailers located within El Paso County. Use Tax will not be collected by RBD.
- Job Material Valuation – Use Tax is calculated based on Valuation.
The amount of use tax due (if any) will be calculated based on the Valuation of the job and the Use Tax method chosen. For more information see the above link or contact the Use Tax Administrator (719-520-6400 or usetax@elpasoco.com ). After purchasing the permit, you can print your Use Tax Receipt from either the Permit List or Permit Details page.
FOUNTAIN: If you are in Fountain for review, Use Tax can be paid at that time. Otherwise, Use Tax will be collected when permit issued at RBD.
GREEN MOUNTAIN FALLS: Use Tax always collected by RBD when permit issued.
MANITOU SPRINGS: Use Tax always collected by/at Manitou Springs PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE by RBD.
MONUMENT: Use Tax always collected by/at Monument PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE by RBD.
PALMER LAKE: Use Tax always collected by/at Palmer Lake PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE by RBD.
WOODLAND PARK: Use Tax always collected when permit issued (Either at Woodland Park office or RBD location).
Outside Agency Contact Information