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Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
Regional Disaster Information
The Regional Building Department recommends that everyone have Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors installed in their home.
Fire Information
If an entire structure needs to be demolished, it will require a wrecking permit. Contact a wrecking contractor to obtain this permit with the required documents.
El Paso County Wildfire Aftermath Information117 Hanover Fire Information
- April 2018 - 24 structures impacted.
- El Paso County Sheriff's Office oversees re-entry and access to your property.
- Please contact us to schedule a no-cost, meter reset inspection in order to resume power service. 719-327-2880
- Propane service questions should be directed to your propane service provider.
- Well and septic questions can be handled by the El Paso County Health Department.
Waldo Canyon Fire
In 2012, Colorado Springs experienced a devastating fire known as the Waldo Canyon fire located within the Mountain Shadows subdivision. The fire stretch over 18,000 acres and caused two fatalities. Approximately 380-400 properties were affected by the Waldo Canyon fire. Regional Building Department worked with local authorities to determine the extent of the damage. Both residences and accessory structures were lost or damaged during the fire.
Black Forest Fire
In 2013, the El Paso County, Black forest area was affected by a monumental fire. Again, Regional Building Department jumped right into action, as we were all too familiar with the damage assessment process from 2012. The fire stretched over 14,000 acres and caused two fatalities. The Black Forest fire affected approximately 500 properties. Regional Building Department inspected each address to provide accurate information to the owners. Both residences and accessory structures were lost or damaged during the fire.
Regional Building volunteered at the disaster relief center that was set up for both fires and provided support to those affected. Regional Building was able to provide plans of the properties and on the spot permitting information to homeowners and insurance providers.
Hail and Wind Storm Information 
Ensure your contractor is licensed with PPRBD and a permit is obtained for roof, siding and stucco replacement.
Reroof Information
A homeowner can purchase a homeowner permit and schedule an inspection ONLY IF the homeowner is performing the work.
- Permit Timeline - A permit is good for 180 days. The permit can be extended one time only, for an additional 180 days, for no fee.
- Reroof Inspections - Reroof inspections are not done same day or next day due to volume. The approximate time period may vary. Contact your contractor.
- Inspections - You as the homeowner CANNOT request the inspection for your contractor. The contractor that pulled your permit must schedule the inspection.
- Inspection Process - Once the reroof work is completed, the contractor shall request an inspection; PPRBD inspector(s) will come out to the permitted address and ring the doorbell and knock to introduce themselves. If no one is home, the inspector(s) will tag the door with a hanger that will have instructions on how to obtain the inspection results. The inspector(s) will perform the inspection and log all results. The contractor will get an automated email with all of the inspection results.
Flood Information
General Flood Information
Typically, flood/water damage does not require a permit unless there is structural or foundation damage. Any clean-up, removal of debris or cosmetic work does not require a permit.
Always contact your insurance agent to see if you have insurance coverage.
If an entire structure needs to be demolished, it will require a wrecking permit. Contact a wrecking contractor to obtain this permit with the required documents.
If utilities had to turn off your gas and/or electric because of rising water, you may need to obtain a meter reset permit. Check with your provider to see if that will be required before they turn the power back on. Meter reset permits can be obtained over the phone or in person, and no documents are required to do so. If you are the residing homeowner, you can obtain that permit.